We congratulate Melbourne ex-pats Luluc on the latest review, by Peter Blackstock, of their beautifully warming 2008 album ‘Dear Hamlyn’ (engineered by Dave Manton and mastered by Adam Dempsey):
“Somewhere above the Southern United States, en route to Austin, Texas. Over the next five days, I’ll hear dozens of bands from all over the world perform at theaters, nightclubs, restaurants, galleries, beer gardens, parking lots, rooftops, pretty much anywhere a stage can be set up. Some will be artists I know and love; some will be musicians I’ve never heard before. Some will intrigue me, some will surprise me, some will repel me, some will make me want to hear more.
There’s only one thing I know for sure: Nothing I hear can possibly measure up to Dear Hamlyn, the debut album by an Australian duo who call themselves Luluc…”

“… Passing through my childhood neighborhood at 2 in the morning, serenaded by the epiphany of “I Found You,” it felt as if I had been waiting for this music all of my life.”
Read the review here.
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