From all at Deluxe Mastering, thank you to all clients for having us on board with their projects this year. Here’s to a healthy, safe and musically prosperous festive season and new year ahead. We encourage you to go for the gift of music: take someone out to a gig, buy music lessons, support a local radio station or an independent artist’s new release. With avenues such as Bandcamp it’s never been simpler to find new music, to pre-order vinyl or CDs, or gift a download to someone in need. (tip: the downloads sound better than web streaming!).
We’re still on board for mastering sessions including from early Jan.
Tony “Jack the Bear” Mantz has been mastering for Acolyte, Black Aces, the Blancos, Citizen Kay, Crooked Colurs, Desert Bones, Levingstone, Neighbourhood Youth, and continuing his motivational speaking engagements – look out for more in the new year.
Adam Dempsey is set to donate mastering time to prize winners of this year’s Triple R Radiothon, PBS FM’s Radio Festival, and the winner of the Darebin Music Feast Songwriters Award (congrats to Mabel Windred-Wornes of Charm of Finches!).
Mastering has included a Christmas single from Burrowing (Norway), and releases from Mitch Power (produced by Jeff Lang), Brian El Dorado (tracked live to 24-track tape by Fraser Montgomery at The Aviary), the debut EP for Vinten (produced by Nick Huggins), a single for Brisbane band Devel, new albums for Michael Plater (engineered and mixed by Neil Thomason at Headgap), new singles for Hoodlem, and Tetrahedra (see their single-take video below), as well as checking a steady run of clients’ vinyl test pressings and being increasingly impressed with the quality (mastered with full dynamic range and to high resolution always!).
Andrei Eremin has been mastering Charles Murdoch’s debut LP, a new mixtape for Clever Austin (aka. Perrin Moss from Hiatus Kaiyote – Grammy Award nominees for their album ‘Breathing Underwater’), plus new releases from Slumberjack, Elizabeth Rose, Kllo, Cleopold, Anatole, Super Magic Hats, Rainbow Chan, Leisure Suite, Rat & Co, Ara Koufax, Planète, Brightly, Tashka and some new original material of his own.
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Mastering projects December 2015, 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings